Since my last blog post I’ve devised a plan that could hopefully justify us moving on within the country to visit a couple of ‘should-be-worth-it’ attractions. Don’t be fooled, this will still require a plane journey such is the size of this country! We’ve got no idea if these plans will work or what Covid-preventing surprises may lie in wait for us but we do know that after the next adventure, we’ll be back to not knowing what’s next.

In a world where even poverty can be monetized, we refrained from paying for a tour of one of the many favelas. The ethical reasons behind these activities seem legit so I would have not been against this but for her, as a Brazilian, she would have had no interest, period. I also didn’t have a burning desire to sign up as I’d seen my fair share of similarly constructed properties back in Manaus - though not labelled or thought of as favelas.

You may recall last week we had our first mini trek to see Sugarloaf mountain, followed by a weekend of luxury. Sadly the luxury is over for the time-being but very much not the end of our trekking to see Rio from dazzling heights.

This week we reached two high points, geographically speaking. I’ve combined both experiences into this one post because whilst seeing Christ the Redeemer was a privilege, there’s not really any story to accompany the day.

Since arriving in Brazil over one month ago, bathroom showers have been cold and “poo tickets” required to be disposed of in the bin. Thankfully since arriving in Rio, it has offered reliable sewage and warm showers; two modest forms of luxury One takes for granted. A less modest form of luxury is where we have stayed the last couple of nights to celebrate, belatedly, Vivian’s birthday.

Today we were able to feel like travellers, not tourists. For me, this is distinguishable in a number of ways but notably to be savvy and conscious of expenditure, yet keen on maximising any experience with a personalised sense of accomplishment. Typically that would involve a hike or climb to reach a vantage point offering a spectacular (and free) vista.

“When are we going to the beach?”. “Can we go to the beach yet?”. “Take me to the beach”.

Relax, dear. Good things come to those in wait. And wait we most certainly can.

Admittedly it took me a while during my 2015/16 travels to understand both in notion and reality that time works differently when you’re in a travel bubble.

Hooray, we’ve made it. I can’t tell you how relieved and excited I am to have made it to Rio. However this also means that “travelling” has now begun as we are no longer in the Mothering care of Vivian’s family. So as one challenge ends, another begins…

Not quite yet but that is the plan sometime next week commencing 11/1/21. Well, depending on Covid, lockdown and permissible flights of course. Each of these easily are able to scupper plans at short notice and that’s a problem I really don’t what to consider.

New Year’s day at the ranch has been and gone and evidently I’ve lived to tell the tale. I feel a worthy member of their family, empowered and strong like Tarzan - a modern day Crocodile Dundee…

I have a dilemma. In a few days around New Year, Vivian’s parents and extended family want to visit their self-built ranch. If the vision of a ranch conjures up something American looking, think again.