Viv’s surprise started in my familiar fashion. I did tell her that we were gonna stay along ‘the strip’ but it would be the lowest budget accommodation available - which she’d have been perfectly fine with. In reality, our stay would be in a pretty decent hotel and for a couple of nights! There’s plenty of hotels along to choose from though many much older, but if you know how, where and what to look for, you can find a more modern and ‘boutique’ spot - if that’s your thing.

It appears that Mexico is one of those countries, of which there are many, where the existing taxi community has a problem with modern, helpful-to-the-rest-of-us services such as Uber! Instead of embracing new technology and making the switch, they stick to what they know and choose to resist change. As the detesters exist in their many, they do appear to have largely driven out (excuse the pun) Uber from certain areas of the country and Cancun is seemingly one of them!

So after weeks and weeks of biding our time, exercising patience and scrutinising the never ending changing criteria for different countries, our flight out of Brazil finally happened. Hours prior we picked up the results of our rapid Covid test. If we’d have received a positive result, well, who knows what would happen. Would these random airlines have given us our money back!? I dread to think but it does show how difficult a time it is to travel with so many variables unanswered.